Thursday, October 20, 2011

Grilled Cheese as Proof for the Existence of God

The slighty browned golden crisp crust crumbles in a symphony of crunchy-buttery delight. Your taste buds descend upon the feeble frame of the delectable sandwich. Your incisors pierce the glorious boundaries as you are met with the heavenly flood of gooey golden goodness which breeches its breaded borders. Mmmmmmm.

Cheese sandwich, grilled cheese, hot cheese ... this delightful dish has taken many names. Many of those who enjoy it have probably named it something aptly appropriate for reflecting their appreciation of the joy it brings them. And why not? Few things so seemingly normal can provide such a wonderful treat.

Take a few regular household items from fridge or pantry. Whip them together. Give a little time, attention, and heat--Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo--the result is as grandiose a goodie as ever graced your gullet.

Who first thought of a grilled cheese? Where did they come from? Was it by happenstance or accident that ancient Babylonians drafted the original? Does it hearken back to the days of pre-history?

How could something so incredibly ordinary offer such sensationally amazing results? How did a multitude of millennial mishaps yield the unquestionably astounding result we now know as the grilled cheese sandwich?

Friend, if you can answer that I'll let you have my grilled cheese sandwich. Yum.

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